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Do I need to Repair or Replace my roof?
Your roof should only need replacing if it is over 15 years old and if your roofing has passed by major hail damage storm or if you have several roof problems. Most roofs last between 15-20 years depending on material and installation. Leaks tend to occur between 10-15 years and most of the time only needs to be repaired. Repairs that are performed should last between a 1-2 years.
Does lighter colored shingle helps lower Heating and Air Condition costs?
If your home has proper ventilation system, there is no need to choose a lighter color shingle. The ventilation system will help keep your roof cool. If you are in an area with a lot of trees, we do recommend a darker colored shingle or an algae resistant shingle. The algae resistant shingle resists algae for approximately 10 years depending upon your location. Regular roof cleaning will help prevent stains even longer. We recommend cleaning your roof 1-2 times a year to help extend the life of your Roof products.
Do I need 15 pound or 30 pound felt? What is the difference?
All roofs should use 15 pound felt unless 30 pound is required. Low-pitched roofs that are almost flat require 30 pound felt. The difference between the 15 pound and the 30 pound felt is the thickness, and cost.
Tips: You may use 30 pound felt on your roof if you like, but make sure that you have enough ventilation so that your roof doesn't sweat. Roof sweating will take years off the life of your roof
What should you look for in a roofing company?
Check your roofing contractor's experience before hiring them to build your roof. Finding a qualified professional roofer can seem like a difficult task, but if you do your homework and follow a few tips, the experience can be a positive one.
NOTE: It is very important that a roofing contractor have valid insurance. They should carry both worker's compensation insurance and general liability insurance. Otherwise the homeowner could be liable for any property damage or accidents that occur during the job. Don't be afraid to ask for proof of insurance and be sure to verify that the dates are effective.